Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Calendar 2024 In Amharic

Ethiopian Easter 2023 2023 Calender
Ethiopian Easter 2023 2023 Calender
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As an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, I have always been fascinated by the concept of fasting in our religion. It is a way to purify the body and soul, and to show dedication to God. In 2024, the Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Calendar will be an important part of our religious practices. In this article, I will share my personal experience with fasting, and provide information about the fasting calendar in Amharic.

What is the Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Calendar?

The Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Calendar is a schedule of fasting periods that are observed by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. These periods are times of spiritual reflection and penance, and are meant to strengthen our faith and commitment to God. The fasting calendar is based on the lunar calendar, and is divided into several different fasting periods throughout the year.

Why do we fast?

Fasting is an important part of our religious practice because it allows us to focus on our spiritual lives and to show our dedication to God. By abstaining from food and drink during certain periods, we are able to purify our bodies and minds, and to show our commitment to living a holy life.

What are the different fasting periods?

There are several different fasting periods throughout the year, including:

  • The Great Fast (Abiy Tsom) – 55 days
  • The Fast of the Apostles (Tsome Filseta) – 15 days
  • The Fast of the Assumption (Tsome Mariam) – 15 days
  • The Fast of the Nativity (Tsome Gena) – 43 days

Celebrations and Festivals

During the fasting periods, there are also several celebrations and festivals that take place within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. These celebrations are important times of community and spiritual renewal, and are a way to honor our faith and traditions.


One of the most important festivals in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is Timket, which is celebrated on January 19th. Timket is a celebration of the baptism of Jesus Christ, and involves a colorful procession, music, dancing, and feasting.


Meskel is another important festival that is celebrated on September 27th. Meskel commemorates the finding of the True Cross by Empress Helena, and involves a massive bonfire, music, and dancing.


Enkutatash is the Ethiopian New Year, and is celebrated on September 11th. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings, and involves feasting, singing, and dancing.

Question and Answer

Q: How do I prepare for fasting?

A: It is important to prepare your body and mind for fasting by gradually reducing your food intake in the days leading up to the fast. It is also important to stay hydrated and to get enough rest during the fasting period.

Q: What foods can I eat during fasting?

A: During fasting, you should abstain from meat, dairy, and eggs. You can eat vegetables, grains, and legumes, as well as fish on certain days.


Q: What if I am unable to fast?

A: If you are unable to fast due to health reasons or other circumstances, you can still participate in the spiritual aspects of the fasting period by attending church services and praying.

Q: How do I know when the fasting periods begin and end?

A: The fasting periods are based on the lunar calendar, so the dates may vary from year to year. You can consult the Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Calendar for the specific dates.

In conclusion, the Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Calendar is an important part of our religious practice, and provides us with opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal. By observing the fasting periods and participating in the celebrations and festivals, we are able to deepen our faith and show our dedication to God.